Eric Sams | The Songs of Robert Schumann

Title | The Songs of Robert Schumann

Author | Eric Sams

Publisher | Faber & Faber

Details: 2008 | pp. 308 | ISBN 978-0571242207 | paperback |


Eric Sams' study of Schumann's 246 songs (Faber 1961, revised 1993) - a companion volume to his The Songs of Hugo Wolf, also available in Faber Finds - remains a classic text. By providing a translation, commentary and notes for each of the songs, tracing original sources and relating recurring themes vividly to Schumann's life, Sams provides a unique documentary of Schumann's song-writing art.

The book includes a foreword (to the First Edition) by the legendary accompanist, Gerald Moore,

who writes:

'So felicitous is the writing that one is hardly conscious of the erudition and profound thought that have gone into the making of it . . . Eric Sams has produced a work that will be read and read again as long as Robert Schumann's songs are loved.'

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